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<a href=" Crab - Jellopet" class="display-item">Hermit Crab - Jellopet</a>

Hermit Crab - Jellopet

Category: Jellopets ( Jelloworm, Faemith, Etc )

hermit crab

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Found in: snowy parts near TUSKAA

If you ever wondered around the more snowy parts of Tuskaa, you might have stumbled on one of these little critters. Hermit Jellocrabs have a really soft body, but a surprisingly hard shell to protect them from all dangers and predators around them. They most likely will not be happy to have more than one of their kind around them, and are in general a more relaxed and shy pet, but they love Pikaberrys and seem to get more tame with some of these berries. You will find one of these hard shelled critters that will fight you before it hides in its shell.
1 result found.